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  • Writer's picturewayne snooze

Markfield festival Mural

Updated: Sep 18, 2023

So this weekend we had an open studio event along with the Markfield festival and I had the opportunity to paint a mural. It was a blazing hot week at about 30 degrees, we started it on Tuesday and completed it on Thursday evening, perhaps a day and a half longer than planned. The initial design had only one character strolling across a sheet of A4 paper but when it came to the Wall Romany whom I work with suggested another character, I generally prefer the idea of solitude in my work, a character in isolation creates an emotional context that is absent when more characters share a space, in this incidence I felt I was actually creating a piece to invoke a feeling of fun so I agreed and added the character then another, she also had an idea for a slogan which I felt was more powerful than my original, I felt that was an important idea and on a wall a poignant reminder for anyone passing by.

I am including all this information to show the power of collaboration and how important flexibility can be to a creative process.

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